Kusum Marathi serial title song lyrics of Kusum Marathi serial title song are from song Kusum . Its a very famous serial title song which is played all over the world . The song me kusum is sung by Priya Bhattacharya.

Singer | Priya Bhattacharya |
Singer | – |
Song Writer | – |
Kusum Marathi serial title song lyrics in Marathi
सर कधी आनंदी
अशी गेली भिजवूनी
वादळे आनंदी
कधी देती विखरूनी
धरुनी मातीला
स्वप्न एक साथीला
उमलत जाते मी
मी कुसुम
ओंजळी दान हे
असे सारे ऋतूंचे
वादळे आनंदी
कधी देती विखरूनी
जपते नात्यांना
फुंकरून काट्याना
जपते मी
मी कुसुम
#Marathi language #Kkusum #Television show #Song #Lyrics
Kusum Marathi serial title song lyrics in Marathi
Sar kadhee aanndee
ashee gelee bhijavoonee
vaadaḽe aanndee
kadhee detee vikharoonee
dharunee maateelaa
svapn ek saatheelaa
umalat jaate mee
mee kusum
onjaḽee daan he
ase saare rritoonche
vaadaḽe aanndee
kadhee detee vikharoonee
japate naatyaannaa
funkarun kaaṭyaanaa
japate mee
mee kusum